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2 entries.
Amy Salzbrun Amy Salzbrun wrote on June 10, 2018 at 2:34 pm:
I purchased a Rottweiler puppy from Von Helden Herz Rottweilers after losing my old dog to Cancer. I have other dogs but felt the loss of my boy so much. I know that another dog can never replace an old, much loved dog but focusing on my new puppy helped a great deal. Having a healthy dog was my priority so I wanted to purchase from someone who did all the possible health testing and Terri Bailey did that. My new puppy Ansel did not let me down, he is the sweetest boy in the world. He is tolerant of everyone and everything, loyal and has such a funny personality. He makes me laugh every single day. I still miss my old boy but Ansel has been a wonderful distraction for myself, my other dog Greta and all those who come in contact with him. It doesn't hurt that he is drop dead gorgeous on top of that.
Chad Embrey Chad Embrey wrote on April 16, 2018 at 12:31 am:
https://www.vonheldenherz.com and Terri @ tbailey@vonheldenherz.com is the only place i would ever go to get a Rottweiler!